MPMS is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your patients’ protected health information. For this reason, all employees and contractors of MPMS are required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement. This agreement demonstrates our pledge to protect all of the information we obtain from your patients in order submit your claims.
As stated in our privacy policy, MPMS does not enter or maintain a copy of a patients’ social security number, unless that number is directly related to the patient’s health insurance identification number. MPMS also does not keep patient’s phone numbers on file unless we are specifically asked to contact that patient by your office.
MPMS does maintain a copy of your daysheets or charge slips for seven years as per Federal Law. At the client’s request, we will maintain your remittance files as well. Any documentation containing a patient’s protected health care information as outlined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is shredded on the premises. Copies of the destruction certificates are available for review upon request.
To ensure compliance at all levels of the organization MPMS has instituted a comprehensive Compliance Manual as recommended by the Office of the Inspector General. This manual meets the guidelines established by the OIG as well as ISO process standards. Any concerns or complaints regarding the Confidentiality and Compliance standards of MPMS should be directed to the Compliance Officer, Richelle Thompson, at